Sunday, January 24, 2010

Young Me

I was born at The Women's Infirmary in New York City. My mother liked that hospital because it had women doctors and a women's medical school. I didn't know much about the place until recently when I looked it up. I guess women doctors were still not excepted at most hospitals in the 1930's. The hospital started on the Lower East Side, moved to Styvesant Square (around East 15th St.)where I was born, and then went through a lot of changes to wind up as Downtown Hospital serving in lower Manhattan, where it is today. Here is a link on the founder and

Some sketches of me by my father


  1. I saw your picture on facebook and I thought how wonderful that you look just like your father drew you as an infant (your post before this one). All the resemblance was there in his drawing.

    The hospital background is interesting. My momma always like a female doctor.

  2. Yes, I got quite fascinated with the beginnings of the hospital...this, remembering the past, is becoming interesting.
    Wish my blog was neater...still working on it. Yours is great.

  3. What a wonderful keepsake to have of yourself as a child!!

  4. he was drawing you, were you drawing him?
